Source code for bemused.bem

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, arctan2, trapz, array, newaxis, nan
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, RegularGridInterpolator
from .fast_interpolation import fast_interpolation
import yaml

[docs]class Blade: """Holds a blade definition. Attributes ---------- x : ndarray Position of blade stations (measured from blade root) chord : ndarray Chord length [m] twist : ndarray Twist, positive points leading edge upwind [rad] thickness : ndarray Percentage thickness of aerofoil [%] density : ndarray, optional Mass per unit length of blade [kg/m] EA : ndarray, optional Axial stiffness EI_flap, EI_edge : ndarray, optional Bending stiffness in flapwise and edgewise directions """ def __init__(self, x, chord, twist, thickness, density=None, EA=None, EI_flap=None, EI_edge=None): self.x = array(x) # Optional mass properties if density is None: density = nan * self.x if EA is None: EA = nan * self.x if EI_flap is None: EI_flap = nan * self.x if EI_edge is None: EI_edge = nan * self.x self.chord = array(chord) self.twist = array(twist) self.thickness = array(thickness) self.density = array(density) self.EA = array(EA) self.EI_flap = array(EI_flap) self.EI_edge = array(EI_edge) if not (len(x) == len(chord) == len(twist) == len(thickness) == len(density) == len(EA) == len(EI_flap) == len(EI_edge)): raise ValueError("Shape mismatch")
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, filename_or_file): """Load blade definition from YAML file. The file should have `x`, `chord`, `twist` and `thickness` keys. For example: .. code-block:: yaml x: [0.2, 3.2, 4.3] chord: [2.3, 1.0, 3] twist: [2, 5, 0.2] thickness: [100, 100, 43] Note ---- NB: In the definition file, the twist is measured in degrees! Parameters ---------- filename_or_file: str or file Filename or file-like object to load the YAML data from """ if isinstance(filename_or_file, str): with open(filename_or_file) as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) else: data = yaml.safe_load(filename_or_file) return Blade(data['x'], data['chord'], array(data['twist']) * pi / 180, data['thickness'], data.get('density'), data.get('EA'), data.get('EI_flap'), data.get('EI_edge'))
[docs] def resample(self, new_x): """Resample all blade data to the new `x` coordinates. Parameters ---------- new_x: array Coordinates (distance along the blade) to resample at Returns ------- A new :class:`Blade` instance. """ return Blade(new_x, np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.chord), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.twist), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.thickness), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.density), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.EA), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.EI_flap), np.interp(new_x, self.x, self.EI_edge))
[docs]class AerofoilDatabase(object): """Store aerofoil list and drag data. Loads data in `.npz` format. The data file should have two variables: - datasets : list of aerofoils - thicknesses : fractional thicknesses of the aerofoils in `datasets` Each aerofoil is an array with `alpha`, `CL`, `CD` and `CM` columns, where the angles are in radians. See :ref:`aerofoil_database` for more details. """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.aerofoils = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True) # Reinterpolate data for all aerofoils to consistent values of alpha datasets = self.aerofoils['datasets'] alpha = [] for a in sorted(a for data in datasets for a in data['alpha']): if alpha and abs(a - alpha[-1]) < 1e-5: continue alpha.append(a) self.alpha = np.array(alpha) lift_drag = np.dstack([ [np.interp(alpha, data['alpha'], data['CL']) for data in datasets], [np.interp(alpha, data['alpha'], data['CD']) for data in datasets] ]) self.lift_drag_by_thickness = interp1d( self.aerofoils['thicknesses'], lift_drag, axis=0, copy=False)
[docs] def for_thickness(self, thickness): """Return interpolated lift & drag data for the given thickness. Parameters ---------- thickness : float Fractional thickness """ lift_drag = self.lift_drag_by_thickness(thickness) return lift_drag
def _strip_boundaries(radii): # Find two ends of strip -- halfway between this point and # neighbours, apart from at ends when it's half as wide. radii = 1.0 * np.asarray(radii) midpoints = (radii[1:] + radii[:-1]) / 2 return np.r_[radii[0], midpoints, radii[-1]] def _wrap_angle(theta): """Wraps the angle to [-pi, pi]""" return (theta + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi def _thrust_correction_factor(a): """Correction to the thrust for high induction factors""" a = np.atleast_1d(a) H = np.ones_like(a) i = (a > 0.3539) ai = a[i] H[i] = (4*ai*(1-ai) / (0.60 + 0.61*ai + 0.79*ai**2)) return H def LSR(windspeed, rotorspeed, radius): return radius * rotorspeed / windspeed def inflow(LSR, factors, extra_velocity_factors=None): """Calculate inflow angle from LSR, induction factors and normalised extra blade velocities""" factors = np.asarray(factors) Ux = (1.0 - factors[:, 0]) Uy = LSR * (1.0 + factors[:, 1]) if extra_velocity_factors is not None: Ux -= extra_velocity_factors[:, 0] Uy -= extra_velocity_factors[:, 1] phi = arctan2(Ux, Uy) inplane = (abs(phi) < 1e-2) W = np.zeros_like(phi) W[inplane] = Uy[inplane] / cos(phi[inplane]) W[~inplane] = Ux[~inplane] / sin(phi[~inplane]) return W, phi def iterate_induction_factors(LSR, force_coeffs, solidity, pitch, factors, extra_velocity_factors=None): a, at = factors[:, 0], factors[:, 1] W, phi = inflow(LSR, factors, extra_velocity_factors) cx, cy = force_coeffs[:, 0], force_coeffs[:, 1] # calculate new induction factors Kx = np.inf * np.ones_like(a) Ky = np.inf * np.ones_like(a) ix = (solidity * cx != 0) iy = (solidity * cy != 0) Kx[ix] = 4*sin(phi[ix])**2 / (solidity*cx)[ix] Ky[iy] = 4*sin(phi[iy])*cos(phi[iy]) / (solidity*cy)[iy] H = _thrust_correction_factor(a) new = np.empty_like(factors) new[:, 0] = 1. / (Kx/H + 1) new[:, 1] = 1. / (-Ky - 1) # Slow down iteration a bit to improve convergence. # XXX is there a justification for this? new[...] = (factors + 3*new) / 4 return new
[docs]class BEMModel(object): """A Blade Element - Momentum model. Parameters ---------- blade : Blade object Blade parameter definition root_length : float Distance from centre of rotor to start of blade num_blades : int Number of blades in the rotor aerofoil_database : AerofoilDatabase object Definitions of aerofoil coefficients """ def __init__(self, blade, root_length, num_blades, aerofoil_database): self.blade = blade self.root_length = root_length self.num_blades = num_blades self.radii = root_length + np.asarray(self.blade.x) self.boundaries = _strip_boundaries(self.radii) self.solidity = (self.num_blades * self.blade.chord / (2 * pi * self.radii)) # Aerofoil data self.alpha = aerofoil_database.alpha self.lift_drag_data = np.array([ aerofoil_database.for_thickness(th / 100) for th in self.blade.thickness]) self._lift_drag_interp = fast_interpolation( aerofoil_database.alpha, self.lift_drag_data, axis=1) self._last_factors = np.zeros((len(self.radii), 2))
[docs] def lift_drag(self, alpha, annuli=None): """Interpolate lift & drag coefficients for given angle of attack. Parameters ---------- alpha : array_like Angle of attach at each annulus [radians] annuli : slice or indices, optional Subset of annuli to return data for. If given, `alpha` should refer only to the annuli of interest. Returns ------- Array of shape (number of annuli, 2) containing CL and CD. """ if annuli is None or annuli == slice(None): alpha = np.vstack((alpha, alpha)).T return self._lift_drag_interp(alpha) else: data = self.lift_drag_data[annuli] if len(alpha) != data.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch %s != %s" % (len(self.alpha), data.shape)) return np.array([ interp1d(self.alpha, self.lift_drag_data[annuli][i], axis=-2, copy=False)(alpha[i]) for i in range(len(alpha)) ])
[docs] def force_coefficients(self, inflow_angle, pitch, annuli=None): """Calculate force coefficients for given inflow. The force coefficients Cx and Cy are the out-of-plane and in-plane non-dimensional force per unit length, respectively. Parameters ---------- inflow_angle : array_like Inflow angle at each annulus [radians]. Zero is in-plane, positive is towards upwind. annuli : slice or indices, optional Subset of annuli to return data for. If given, `alpha` should refer only to the annuli of interest. Returns ------- Array of shape (number of annuli, 2) containing CL and CD. """ if annuli is None: annuli = slice(None) twist = self.blade.twist[annuli] if len(twist) != len(inflow_angle): raise ValueError("Shape mismatch") # lift & drag coefficients alpha = _wrap_angle(inflow_angle - twist - pitch) cl_cd = self.lift_drag(alpha, annuli) # resolve in- and out-of-plane cphi, sphi = np.cos(inflow_angle), np.sin(inflow_angle) A = array([[cphi, sphi], [-sphi, cphi]]) # cx_cy = dot(A, cl_cd) # cx_cy = np.c_[ # cl_cd[:, 0] * cphi + cl_cd[:, 1] * sphi, # cl_cd[:, 0] * -sphi + cl_cd[:, 1] * cphi, # ] cx_cy = np.einsum('ijh, hj -> hi', A, cl_cd) return cx_cy
[docs] def solve(self, windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, extra_velocity_factors=None, tol=None, max_iterations=500, annuli=None): """Calculate the BEM solution for the given conditions. Parameters ---------- windspeed : float Free-stream wind speed rotorspeed : float Rotor speed [rad/s] pitch : float Pitch angle [rad] extra_velocity_factors : ndarray, optional Blade velocity normalised by windspeed tol : float, optional Absolute tolerance for solution max_iterations : int, optional Maximum number of iterations annuli : slice or indices, optional Subset of annuli to return data for. Returns ------- Array of axial and tangential induction factors at each annulus, shape (number of annuli, 2). Raises ------ RuntimeError if maximum number of iterations reached. """ if tol is None: tol = 1e-6 if annuli is None: annuli = slice(None) r = self.radii[annuli] factors = self._last_factors[annuli] for i in range(max_iterations): lsr = LSR(windspeed, rotorspeed, r) W, phi = inflow(lsr, factors, extra_velocity_factors) force_coeffs = self.force_coefficients(phi, pitch, annuli) new_factors = iterate_induction_factors(lsr, force_coeffs, self.solidity[annuli], pitch, factors, extra_velocity_factors) if np.max(abs(new_factors - factors)) < tol: self._last_factors[annuli] = new_factors return new_factors factors = new_factors raise RuntimeError("maximum iterations reached")
[docs] def solve_wake(self, windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, extra_velocities=None, tol=None): if extra_velocities is not None: extra_velocity_factors = extra_velocities / windspeed else: extra_velocity_factors = None factors = self.solve(windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, extra_velocity_factors) factors[:, 0] *= windspeed factors[:, 1] *= self.radii * rotorspeed return factors
[docs] def inflow_derivatives(self, windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, factors, extra_velocity_factors=None, annuli=None): """Calculate the derivatives of the aerodynamic induced velocities for an annuli $$ C_T = 4 a (1-a) + \\frac{16}{3 \\pi U_0} \\frac{R_2^3 - R_1^3}{R_2^2 - R_1^2} \\dot{a} $$ """ if annuli is None: annuli = slice(None) r = self.radii[annuli] u = factors[:, 0] * windspeed ut = factors[:, 1] * rotorspeed * r if not (r.shape == u.shape == ut.shape): raise ValueError("Shape mismatch") Wnorm, phi = inflow(LSR(windspeed, rotorspeed, r), factors, extra_velocity_factors) force_coeffs = self.force_coefficients(phi, pitch, annuli) cx, cy = force_coeffs[:, 0], force_coeffs[:, 1] Kx = 4 * sin(phi) ** 2 / (cx * self.solidity[annuli]) Ky = 4 * sin(phi) * cos(phi) / (self.solidity[annuli] * cy) R1, R2 = self.boundaries[:-1][annuli], self.boundaries[1:][annuli] mu = (16.0 / (3*pi)) * (R2**3 - R1**3) / (R2**2 - R1**2) H = _thrust_correction_factor(factors[:, 0]) ii = abs(factors[:, 0] - 1) < 1e-3 udot, utdot = np.zeros_like(u), np.zeros_like(ut) # Special case udot[ii] = -factors[ii, 0] * (0.60*windspeed**2 + 0.61*u[ii]*windspeed + 0.79*u[ii]**2) / mu[ii] # Normal case udot[~ii] = (4 * (windspeed - u[~ii]) * ((windspeed - u[~ii]) / Kx[~ii] - (u / H)[~ii]) / mu[~ii]) utdot[~ii] = (4 * (windspeed - u[~ii]) * ( -(rotorspeed * r[~ii] + ut[~ii]) / Ky[~ii] - ut[~ii]) / mu[~ii]) return np.c_[udot, utdot]
[docs] def forces(self, windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, rho, factors, extra_velocity_factors=None, annuli=None): """Calculate in- and out-of-plane forces per unit length""" if extra_velocity_factors is None: extra_velocity_factors = np.zeros_like(factors) if annuli is None: annuli = slice(None) factors = np.asarray(factors) r = self.radii[annuli] chord = self.blade.chord[annuli] if not len(r) == factors.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch") # Calculate force coefficients Wnorm, phi = inflow(LSR(windspeed, rotorspeed, r), factors, extra_velocity_factors) W = windspeed * Wnorm force_coeffs = self.force_coefficients(phi, pitch, annuli) forces = (0.5 * rho * W[:, newaxis]**2 * chord[:, newaxis] * force_coeffs) # Force last station to have zero force for compatibility with Bladed # XXX this wouldn't work if the last station isn't guaranteed # to be at the tip if r[-1] == self.radii[-1]: forces[-1] = (0, 0) return forces
[docs] def pcoeffs(self, windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch=0.0): # We'll nondimensionalise again later so value of rho doesn't matter factors = self.solve(windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch) forces = self.forces(windspeed, rotorspeed, pitch, rho=1, factors=factors) fx, fy = zip(*forces) # Integrate forces and moments about shaft r = self.radii thrust = self.num_blades * trapz(fx, x=r) torque = self.num_blades * trapz(-array(fy) * r, x=r) power = torque * rotorspeed # Nondimensionalise A = pi * r[-1]**2 CT = thrust / (0.5 * 1 * windspeed**2 * A) CQ = torque / (0.5 * 1 * windspeed**2 * A * r[-1]) CP = power / (0.5 * 1 * windspeed**3 * A) return CT, CQ, CP